Utah Rehab Centers

Alcohol is not as much of a problem in Utah as it used to be. The numbers of people needing help with this addiction is falling, but there is also bad news to report. The numbers of people who are falling under the spell of marijuana and heroin is growing. Unfortunately, even more people are becoming addicted to methamphetamines in this state, and they are seeking treatment in increasing numbers.

Utah is also a state where drug addicts are starting to become addicted at younger ages. From 2004 to 2006, Utah had the largest population in the country of people 12 and older who entered treatment for drug abuse.

Why Can’t People Stop Taking Drugs on their Own?

Once people decide that they need to stop taking drugs or drinking alcohol, they will find that they will need help to prevent a relapse. Some drug addicts do manage to stop taking drugs for a period of time, but they cannot remain drug-free for very long. One reason this is the case is because they experience highly unsettling withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking the drugs cold turkey.

The Detoxification Process in a Utah Rehab Center

People who suffer from withdrawal symptoms will receive help enduring them in a Utah rehab facility. For example, methamphetamine addicts may begin to feel extreme drug cravings, hunger and anxiety when they try to detox on their own. In a Utah rehab center, the medical staff will administer non-addictive drugs that will help them endure the detoxification process until it is complete.

Counseling at a Utah Rehab Center

The other reason that people cannot refrain from taking drugs when they do not seek help from a Utah rehab center is because they have not received any therapy to help them understand their addictions. Utah rehab will begin with the detoxification process, but it will not release the patients to their own devices after this is over. Patients will remain at the facility from one to three months in a short-term program where they will receive counseling.

Inpatient Utah rehab programs offer residents a therapist who will meet with patients for one-on-one counseling sessions. These individual sessions give people a chance to discuss the problems they were having before they decided that drugs were the solution. In counseling, they learn how to engage in more constructive behaviors when these issues arise, and they become productive and healthy members of society again.